Plan in advance to avoid fixing life in arrears.


So many people only seek help when some area of their life is in crisis. The wise seek help early so as not to end up in crisis.

The wise have a developed perspective of life yet to be lived,
the consequences of current decisions are thought through and considered...
so as [a result of these decisions and actions] to build a life not destroy one.
— Pastor Phil Baker
The one thing people are never good at is seeing themselves as others see them.
— Eric Schmidt, former Google CEO

Chris is Australia's leading Life Coach. He has been 'bringing people to a better life' through his coaching for over 20 years, coaching people in many countries – from business owners, corporate directors and executives, to students, home-makers and those just starting out.  

His coaching brings guidance and strength to their foundations so that the successes of today are sustained into the future.

Clearly 65 years of age is the wrong number to plan our life around. Our first 5 years at home or day care, followed by 20 years of academic study and 40 years of work to get some years doing nothing in retirement, is a plan of 100 years ago. 

Chris believes that, whatever your circumstances, having a well laid-out plan and someone to walk alongside you to help implement that plan can help you avoid future lifestyle and financial pressure.

To improve in all areas of life, please contact the team HERE to discuss your next steps with Chris or read more about the Design a Decade program.


Equipping. Inspiring. Challenging.


The energy Chris brings as a keynote speaker leaves people equipped, inspired and challenged to create really solid foundations on which to build their lives, and to decide on a path forward.

Chris truly believes in bringing people to a better life, whether theirs is currently terrible, great or somewhere in between. Motivating, engaging and deeply invested, he thrives on showing as many as he can how to systematically build not only financial wealth, but day-to-day lifestyle wealth safely and progressively – to set up their future long before retirement age, minimising the risk of mistakes that could set them back.

Please contact the team HERE to discuss having Chris speak into your next event, conference or team training day.

We knew our staff had great skills but found them not living up to their capability in working as a solid team. Having had Chris as our mentor for many years we felt he knew what outcomes we would be looking for and we knew that his heart was for great teamwork, through great culture.
Chris did well at keeping the group engaged with a good balance of educational content and light-hearted stories. The session was a great success.
I believe that this type of ongoing training is needed for our success.
— Hamish Ferguson, Director – Vision Newcastle

Do work you love, with people you like, the way you want.


In any area of life, whether that is family, community groups, sports clubs or business, our level of communication skills determines the quality of our relationships and leads to the quality of our leadership and influence. This program has elevated the Communication, Leadership and Influence of Corporate Executives, Business Owners and Practitioners globally – resulting in them having increased income in less workdays: doing work they love, with people they like, the way they want.

As a part of the faculty at the Thought Leaders Business School, led by founders Matt Church (right) and Peter Cook (left) below, Chris mentors executives and business owners in how to progress and grow in their life, career and business.

Please contact the team HERE to arrange an initial conversation with Chris.

Chris Freeman is a fabulous example of what it means to be a mentor. He lives to lift others up. He surrounds himself with people of character and is clearly someone who embodies the spirit of true leadership. I personally love Chris’s work on financial independence, and his take on why 65 is the wrong age for retirement is great. Get in his circle of influence and start to play the bigger game that he draws out of each and every person he touches.
— Matt Church, Thought Leaders founder and author of 11 books on leadership