Have you got all the pieces in place for a Balanced Life?
Our Time, Relationships and Cash Flow are the key resources we have to seed our future. Generally, when people first come to Design a Decade, they want help with their finances. However, we have come to realise that financial issues are usually a symptom of two core issues – a lack of time and trusted relationship support. Making sure we do not over use these vital resources is imperative in setting up the life we desire.
There is so much pressure in life on our Time, Relationships and Cash Flow, along with the pressure to secure our future financially. So the important tasks of preparing for our future (through Planning and Learning) as well as staying energised and fresh (through our Health and Fitness and the consistency of our Lifestyle) get pushed out of our schedule. These essential topics are like the expansion joint in a building. Without the expansion joint, when bad weather comes the whole wall cracks. It is the same for life, if these topics are missing from our schedule, when life’s trials come all of life crumbles.
Wealth Creation
People often talk for long periods of time about whether to take the big step of buying a house, investing in this or that or what the best retirement program to set up is. Wealth creation is actually a continuous and intentional process. While many will go to a professional from the various industry specific groups e.g. accountants, real estate agents or financial planners, what is of benefit is to have someone who is not financially invested in your decision to play a ‘head coach’ role as we are pursued by these industry professionals. Someone who understands the combination of Capital Investment and Cash Flow and who understands the effect and role inflation plays in our financial plans.
“Design a Decade has given us the tools we were missing to move forward together in our relationship; with our family (of 7 kids); and in our three businesses.
Without Chris and the Design a Decade program we would not be in the contented place we are today.
Thank you Chris. ”
“We are an ordinary family with four amazing kids. As a family we always had the focus on building great relationships and we invested a lot into creating memories with each other, but we were still exhausted because we neglected to take good care of our time and health.
Ever since being part of the Design a Decade program we have realised that before the program we knew that a balanced life is important, but we didn´t know how to implement it into our lives. Our quality of life is ever expanding.
The program provides methods and motivation on how to deal with all the important areas of our life in a simple and effective step-by-step way, which is accompanied by a fantastic, encouraging coaching team. ”
“Life used to consist of being employed, working long hours and often wondering how I would get ahead and ultimately – even though I could not yet frame it in these words – not be doing the same thing until I was 65! I was conscious about wanting to create a life where I had more flexibility and available time to spend with my family. Chris and the Design a Decade program have exceeded every expectation I ever had. His ability to surround you with quality resources and professionals is second to none. Chris helped me organise my life and invest my time where it would have a greater return. Everything on my dream list prior to starting the Design a Decade program has been achieved and I never thought I could achieve it all by the age of 31. I cannot speak highly enough of Chris and the entire Design a Decade family.”