An End of Day Practice Many people have trouble leaving 'work' at their workplace and remain in that head space even though they are no longer…
HOME as a Part of the Wealth Creation Process Your home can be a big part of the wealth creation process; and it is vital to plant investments…
Save the Cream for the Drought One of the most common problems we encounter is the need to manage the ups…
Time Between Increased Income and Increased Spending One of the reasons many people have no savings, and fail to…
It is Amazing What Happens When It is amazing what happens when you look after something: your time, relationships, finances…
Lifestyle vs. Financial Security Focus We have often seen people be so focused on their future financial security that they forgo…
Holiday Preparation. It is important to mentally prepare leading into any holiday – short or long. Here are three keys to discuss before you leave.
The Power of Truly Transparent Relationships. Have you ever been in conversation with a person who you feel is talking to you…
Get Ready for your Investment. There is an effect that a 'lack of preparation' can have on two key areas. However, these…
Generally Others do not Consider your Budget of Time and Money. Generally, the Sales and Marketing world is not…
In the Absence of Wisdom we Guess. To have foresight, borrow someone else's hindsight. Any new journey is made easier if…
The Stress of Rotating Cash Flow vs. Contentment of Accrual. There is a very important difference between running…
Attribution Positions you as a Learner and a Thinker. Our personal development can really be broken down into coming from…
Is the Home an Investment? You'll often hear the home called a capital asset but also an income liability. Listen to Chris discuss why your home should…
Embrace the Differences, Especially this One! While gender differences is a hot topic at the moment, Chris explains why…
The Levels of Time There are three levels of time. But only one of them has consequences that show up later in life, usually in crisis mode.
3 Ways to Super-Charge your Holidays When leaving for a break, book your next one before you leave. Think about the mindset when…
The Dashboard of Life Checking Time, Relationship Management and Cash Flow on a regular basis is like checking the dashboard on our car.
Each Decade has Different Challenges Our financial challenges can vary by age. Every new stage of life brings new financial strategies…
Keep Moving Forward Many people see wealth creation as being the 'big' decision or action of buying something, but instead…
Handling Inconsistent Income Amounts or Pay Periods Many people have varying income amounts each…
Everyone is a Business Person Life is more complex than most businesses. Personal relationship breakdown is as regular…
Self Focused vs. Other People Focused Some people are self focused and some are other people focused. This is not about…
The Accelerator vs. The Brake Everyone is aware that opposites attract and we are generally attracted to people who…
'Seed' your Future Daily, as a Lifestyle. Lifestyle is not just about the three-week holiday at the end of the year, when most people are…
Keys to Buying and Selling Property Simultaneously. Here are three key points to both buying and selling a property and how to do it simultaneously.
Choosing Trusted Professionals. We have seen many examples of people who have relationship trust in someone and then…
Elevate your Thinking and Speech. Did you know that criticism has absolutely no power? Have you noticed how some…
Your Mind is Not a Calendar. David Allen has made a well-known (but rarely conquered) assertion that the mind…
Seed Income vs. Bread Income There is a very important difference between our 'seed' income and our 'bread' income.
Balancing the Immediate and the Future. It is often said of elite sports people that they seem to have more time, and are more…
Times Change but Principles Stay the Same. Circumstances of life that many of us need to face usually take our entire focus.
Who Have you Surrounded Yourself With? Who around you leaves you feeling more energised than drained?
Life is like a Business but More Complex Do you realise that your life is JUST LIKE a business? It has income; expenses; people…
What Stage Are You In? So where are you? What stage are you in? Are you pre-family? Do you have the beautiful chaos of young children around you?
The Power of Reflective Listening Most people know that 'reflective listening' is about saying back to someone what they have…
Become a 'Consequence' Decision Maker When it comes to starting and completing projects it is common for us to move first to the topics…
Life's Three Journeys We are on three journeys in life: out of our yesterday; enjoying today; and into tomorrow. It is important that these three…
The Sales and Marketing Industry vs. You and Me The sales and marketing industry spends billions of dollars and man-hours refining its…
What if you had Paid Yourself First Paying yourself first is the simple concept of putting an amount into savings as soon as…
Practical vs. Emotional Any relationship is the meeting of two imperfect people. We can either get frustrated by our differences or understand…
Why Income Development is a Continuous Journey. Life for most of us is ever increasing in regard to our income and expenses.
Move from Spontaneous to Intentional. As we move through stages of life, things change and we need to change with them.
Save Cash or Invest in Capital? Save cash or invest in capital? Both: But for the right reasons and seasons. Save cash for…
3 Steps to Protect Yourself from Risk. There is an old saying – "If it looks too good to be true, it probably is too good to be true."
Being a Great Conversationalist. Generally relationships don’t reach their full potential because of poor communication.
Wisdom Takes Time. As we move through the decades of life we are constantly facing new experiences and challenges. Listen for principles that can…
Balancing a Home-Based Business. Many people start a business from their home. If a business can be run from home…
Can House Prices Continue to go Up? Looking at house prices these days, it can be hard to imagine them getting any higher.
Do you Know These Three Definitions? Learning the definitions to Investment, Development and Speculation could…
Understanding Your Workplace Issues Rarely will your workplace, family or sports team not have logistical problems. Chris explains…
The Good, Bad and Ugly of Picking Professionals There was a time when a professional's shingle was a sign of trust. Unfortunately that isn't…
The Secret to Successful Health and Fitness Generally we're motivated to 'labours of love'. When motivation comes, we take…
Retirement When the old age pension came in at 65 years of age, the average life expectancy of a male was just 60.